Saturday, February 28, 2009

We're ALL off to the Waddin' o' the year !

The eldest child is being married ,.,.
It's something of a "rush affair" ,,,
( no, no, no, I don't imply anything on the "shotgun" front ,,,
nor do I suggest that this is any short lived "affair" either !
It's just that it's all happened with a bit of a rush at the end ,.,..,,.
( Oooh gosh Missus ! )
You see, the bride & groom suddenly & without warning almost, found themselves out of a job and so the planned bigger wedding complete with all family & friends reception at the Golf Club in June had to be postponed.
As the We'an herself said ,,,, To lose one job, Mr Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like damned carelessness.
So they thought ... Do we wait ,,, 'till we find new jobs or 'till the World Resession is over ?...
or do we just do the daft thing and get married NOW ? ,,
So now it is ! Today in fact ,, in about an hour no less ! Help ,, I have to go !
Fortunately the Groom's parents were over for a wee visit so they are here already ,,
His sister dropped everything ( 3-kids & a husband to be precise ! ) and flew in last night ,,since when the poor soul has been baking a wedding cake ( Danish style ! )
The Bride's eldest child, Marcel, has even had a haircut ...
Her 2nd. Lottie has agreed to wear a dress !
Leon the 3rd. thinks the groom is going to poison the bride ( a slight mix up with his Danish language skills ...)
Baby Anna doesn't care a hoot as long as she gets her night-time fix of mummy's milk ..
So no quiet honeymoon on the horizon tonight for the happy couple, I'm afraid !!
The Bride's brother & sister-in-law have kindly given over their home to accommodate the aprés event cake & bubbly reception ,..,
The rest of the family have been running around like headless chickens for a week now trying to get outfitted !
Why is it women NEVER have anything to wear ??
The quickly revised plan was to have the family ( all 14-of us ) plus a few invited close friends to celebrate with a glass of something and a bit of cake.
But alas, the Bride is a BLOGGER .,,.,. ( and she used to Rock 'n Roll ?? )
Ipsofacto after mentioning the Happy Event on her Blog we now appear to have upwards of 50- "drop-in friends" coming for said wee refreshment !!
Hope the bro & sis-in-law know what they've let their home in for ?
Are there enough seats I wonder ?
I'll need a rest by 3pm for I'm also the "Official Photographer" !
Och who cares ,, I'm sure we'll all have a ball & the Buchanan's now have a brand new Danish wing on the family tree !!
C'mon, one & all ,,, everybody's welcome .,.,, let's make this the happiest day of their lives.
It was ,,,, And now for the REAL photos !!
How's that for a Wedding Cake, Bride & Groom ?

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