I have been using Epson Printers for some years now.
However, over the past 3-years or so Epson have changed their policy on Customer Service.,., drastically !
From being a once helpful and friendly company who sold reasonably priced printers, scanners, copiers etc. they have now changed tac.
Now they purport to sell cheap ( low cost ) units .,., almost at giveaway prices they say ! Ha
And so where do they make their profits then, you ask ?
Why that would be on replacement ink cartridges of course .,., the dearest ( most expensive ) part of any user's outlay.
But Epson have gone two or three stages further .,.,
The bastards are now adding software into their printers /cartridges to stop their customers using anything other than THEIR ink.
You just try getting an Epson printer to accept any "Compatible" ink cartridge nowadays !
What they are saying in effect is ,, If you don't use their (ridiculously expensive ) ink cartridges then your printer is DEFUNCT .,., a bin case !
Now I find this more than a little offensive ,, I question the legality of creating a monopoly supply, not to mention actively working to put your competition out of business !
I don't know about you but I will most definitely NOT be dictated to by Epson ( or anyone else ) as to what I can buy to use with MY property !
I don't recal Ford ever telling me what petrol I MUST use in my car ,,, the washing machine people don't try telling us which washing powder we MUST use in their machines ??
So where do these printer people get off trying to force us to use ONLY their bloody expensive ink .,., ??
I dare say their legal department have checked out this practice so technically legal it may well be ,, but morally, it's up their arse ! Absolutely bloody outrageous I call it.
I have now written to them and spelled it out ,,, I will not let this one go ,, I intend pursuing it all the way to ,, well let's try Watchdog for starters !
I also now urge all friends, relatives, friends of relatives and readers of my blog to BOYCOTT EPSON ! Let's hear it for the COMPATIBLES !!
I have been struggling and swearing to epson all morning... trying to change caartridges.
i did find some second party inks that work. email me and i will share that info
it is disgusting how they get away with this.
Me again,
Just wanted to send another angry epson customer.
They filed a false advertising suite!
Good on you Janette .,., keep up the good work !
I too have found a local supplier who offers compatible Epson cartridges and who will also refund your money if they don't work .,., They also offers a further service .,., that of re-filling your original Epson cartridges .,., and all at a fraction of the Epson cost !!
Hi Scudder,
Now thats a nice rant! Gaun yersel' an get right intae them!!!
Good works keep it up!! Really Epson ink cartridge has solid reputation in the printing industry and if used with due care they will give true value for money.
Printer Cartridges|Inkjet Cartridges
Good Luck.
Alistair .,.,
Twice now I've posted comments on your blog .,., but they never get in !!??
Your Blog seems impenetrable ??
Gonnie fix it !
Hi Scudder,
Dont understand as I have published them to the blog and I can see them on there. its mebbe me tho, no' very computer literate. I'll look again.
No ge'in a kibbie by the way. Honest injun!
Sorry Al but a hae tae gie-in on kibbie ?
That's wan that's no' in ma wee Scottish Gem
Fit ur ye sayin' ?
Hullo Scudder,
Sorry man, missed this. Kibbied/KB'd means kicked back, body swerved, gie'd the elbae etc etc.
still tryin to see what I can do ref yer postin, but no one else seems to be havin a problem as far as I can see. have posted a query to blogger......
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