Friday, April 16, 2010

So, we wait !

This has been a funny old end of week ! ( but definitely not Ha-Ha ! )
The daughter plus hubby with their first born Anna had gone to Denmark to see their Danish family & let them see their latest little, but growing grandchild Amaia .,.,.,
At the same time the Ex son-in-law had taken the other three kids to celebrate their French grandmother's 80th. birthday.
So all were scattered in Europe when the Icelandic volcano decided to erupt !
I was due to drive back to Edinburgh tomorrow just as I had done last Friday, this time to pick them up from the airport rather than dropping them off !
Sadly as we now all know ,,, nothing is flying but the birds ! And unless they can find a flock of really Big Birds then they are all staying put .,., and for how long is anybody's guess right now !
This volcanic blow out btw, was not something arranged by me in order that my Friday golf game wouldn't be interrupted ! But what a freak of nature it has turned out to be ,,, first time EVER that all UK air traffic has been grounded ! ( and now most of near Europe too )
The daughter naturally is more than a little distraught .,., Her 3-bigger kids have been away with their father for 2 weeks and she absolutely hates these long separations ,, now looking like a possible further week since Norwegian Airways, with whom she is flying, have only two flights out of Copenhagen per week, Mon & Frid !
Of course I've tried doing the fatherly things to comfort her, telling her to relax and enjoy the extra holiday, that we'll take care of the biggies if they make it home before her ,, etc, etc, but she's a mother ,, the Earth Mother in fact .,., and mothers need to see their babies !
So, like I said at the beginning of this piece .,., We Wait !


Alistair said...

I can appreciate the dilema - must be tough for her - NOT whether you have time for another round of golf!!


Phyl said...

Well we're back in Denmark - after a 2 day round trip and have a flight for next Friday but heaven only knows if that'll fly :-(