Sunday, September 24, 2006

They're also getting Dafter every day !

I see the polis are being clever again ,,, They're going to sort out Glasgow's Sectarianism once and for all ! Oh goody ,,, and just how are they going to achive this monumental change in the Glesca Cul'ure you might ask ?
Well it's simple really ,.,. they're to introduce BAFFS ,,, ( that's Ban Abusive Fans of Footie Sectarianism ) or was it FASBO's ( Footie Anti Social Behaviour Orders )
Hahahahaha that'll do it right enough !!
Christ but the naivety is mind numbing ,, if it wasn't so funny ,,,,, and just to compliment our Polis we have the Government's Health Minister spouting his "local knowledge" ,,, and I quote,
" I condemn Buckfast wine as a seriously bad cause of anti social behaviour "
So there you have it, straight for the horse's mouth ,,, or should that be Donkeys mouths ? ) .... Issue some FASBO's and ban Buckie and the world will be put to rights again ,,, Yo !

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